
Love thy neighbourhood

There’s no place like home. From the wonderful leisure facilities and open spaces that surround us, to the breath-taking waterfront views - our riverside neighbourhood is truly unlike any other. And with your help, we can make Royal Wharf an even more distinctive place for living.

It all starts with giving

Since we established the Residents' Association in May 2018, we've been operating on a shoe-string budget, funded mainly by the generosity of committee members who’ve also given up their free time.

We’re pleased to say that the RA has grown substantially since then. We now have over 1650 members - including residents and leaseholders living in the Royal Wharf development! And we’re continuing to work hard for the benefit of all our members whose interests we represent. This includes ensuring we get the best value for our money and that our neighbourhood is well-maintained - in keeping with our vision to make Royal Wharf the best place for living that it can be.

We hear your voices. But we need your help

Over the past year, many residents have offered suggestions on how to improve things, for which we are grateful. Whilst individual voices struggle to be heard, as a group - with recognition from the managing agents - we can have a stronger united voice.

But in order to keep up with the growth of the RA, we definitely need more funding – so we can continue to operate effectively whilst delivering on all our future goals. Thus we are glad to provide a channel through which members can now make donations to the RA.

What we've done so far

We've already seen much success as a group. For example, in building a good working relationship with the managing agents, we have secured a retrospective reduction in the cost of hot water through SW Energy (Communal Energy Partners), reduced antisocial behaviour on the development and challenged costs and policies.

And we're continuing to push BAML on many fronts - including the defects with the doors to many of the buildings, issues with security, the Clubhouse, increasing service charges and interruptions to hot water across the development.

Your support makes all the difference

Whilst we’ve already made much progress, there’s still a lot more that we can do. This is why we need your support. Your donations will go towards the running of the RA, the cost of organising meetings and hiring venues – plus a host of other initiatives agreed by the Association in line with the aims and objectives set out in our Constitution.

You can be part of this exciting opportunity to shape our development. Your giving would empower and equip us to achieve all of the above – and so much more! No amount is too small to make a difference.

Thank you

Many thanks in advance for your kind donations. We greatly appreciate your support in helping us deliver the high standards we’ve come to expect of an idyllic waterfront development.

Rob and the Royal Wharf Residents' Association Committee

Frequently asked questions

Where does my money go?

The Account which is in the name of the Royal Wharf Residents' Association, has been set up in accordance with our Constitution.

Who has access to the money?

Sam (Treasurer), Rob (Chair), and Tamara (Secretary) are able to access the account. In accordance with our Constitution, the bank account requires:

  • the written approval of both the Treasurer and one other Officer (Rob or Tamara) on any cheque or payment authorisation for single amounts of up to £500.
  • the written approval of either (a) the Treasurer, the Chair and the Secretary or (b) the Treasurer and any three other members of the Committee, on any cheque or payment authorisation for single amounts more than £500.

How do I know what the money's been spent on?

The Treasurer is required to keep full records of the Association’s income and expenditure; shall report the reconciled balance of the bank account and of all significant items of income and expenditure to the Committee at each Committee meeting, and shall make an annual financial report to the membership of the Association in accordance with sub-clause 5.d.iii of the Constitution.

Copyright ©2024 Royal Wharf Residents' Association and Marco Polo Design.