About the Association


The Residents' Association represents over 1,650 residents and leaseholders living in the Royal Wharf development. We represent the interests of all members of the Residents Association, to ensure best value for our money, to maintain the development, and to make Royal Wharf the best place to live it can be.

Individual voices struggle to be heard, but as a group, with recognition from the managing agents, we can have a stronger united voice.

With the support of leaseholders and residents, the RA's achieved a lot since we were established in 2018. But there's still lots more to do.

The Residents' Association is entirely independent of the managing agent, developer and freeholder. The Residents' Association is run by the Committee, which is formed of leaseholders and residents of the development. Read more about our independence.

On this website, you can read our constitution, get in touch with the committee, and find details about reporting issues to the managing agents and the Residents Association. Once you've registered as a member, you'll also gain access to the members area, which includes minutes from our meetings, and other useful documents.

Please join the Residents Association, and help us resolve issues and build our new community.

Our Constitution

The aims, objectives, and rules of the Residents' Association are set out in our Constitution which was agreed in our initial Annual General Meetingon 10 May 2018. A copy of our Constitution can be viewed by clicking the link below.

Our Committee

The Committee's role is to ensure the Residents' Association is run properly and is responsive to residents' needs and concerns.

The Committee includes four separate sub-committees which focus on four key areas: Finance, Security & Wellbeing, Maintenance & Works and Landscaping. The members of the Committee and sub-committees meet regularly to advance the interests of the members of the Residents Association.

The Committee is elected on a yearly basis at the Annual General Meeting. At our initial AGM on 10 May 2018 we appointed the key positions within our Committee. These can be viewed by clicking the link below.

Our Building Representatives

In addition to the roles set out above, given the size and scale of the Royal Wharf development, it was decided at our initial AGM to appoint building representatives for each building (or group of townhouses) within the development.

Each building representative is a member of the Resident's Association and can work with the Resident Association's Committee and sub-committees to identify and resolve issues facing the residents of that building.

You can view the current list of building representatives and learn how to report an issue to them by clicking on the link below.

Our Achievements

Since starting in mid-2018, the RA's pushed hard to advance issues on behalf of our members at Royal Wharf. We've achieved a lot in that time, from identifying and reducing unfair service charge costs, improving the quality of service that the managing agents deliver, identifying and recommending improvements to the estate, and holding the managing agents to account when they fall short of our expectations.

We share and celebrate these achievements with all our members - your support helps us deliver on our aims.

Our Independence

We take our independence very seriously. The Residents' Association receives no funding or other tangible benefits from either the managing agent (BAML), the developer (Ballymore) or the Freeholder (Oxley). We act entirely independently in the best interests of our members, as dictated by our Constitution.

We've also put in place additional safeguards to protect against undue influence or conflicts of interest. Details of these safeguards can be seen in the Committee Charter, by which all members of the Residents' Association's Committee have agreed to be bound.

Copyright ©2024 Royal Wharf Residents' Association and Marco Polo Design.