This page provides residents with guidance on what to do if you need to report a problem with your flat, the estate or the local area. This information has been collated with the assistance of the managing agents, BAML.
A high level rule of thumb is that any issues relating to your own property (i.e. behind your front door) should be directed to Aftercare, while any communal issues relating to the building as a whole or the estate should be directed to the Estates team.
Aftercare will assist with any issues inside your front door. Please contact them on 0207 118 0106, from 8am-6pm or by email: [email protected].
If you have an emergency leak, power cut, no hot water, or no heating, and it's weekday after 6pm, or a weekend, you can contact "out of hours" Aftercare team by contacting Concierge: 0203 434 0880 (option 1) or e-mailing: [email protected]and they will assist.
Members of the RA can also report the issue to the Residents' Association using the page in the Members Area. A copy of your report will be sent to the Residents' Association committee and your building representative. However, please make sure you report the issue to Aftercare and/or the Concierge before contacting the Residents' Association.
Contact our Estates team on 0203 434 0880, and press extension number:
1 for Concierge
2 for Post room
3 for Duty Manager
4 for Administration
Members of the RA can also report the issue to the Residents' Association using the page in the Members Area. A copy of your report will be sent to the Residents' Association committee and your building representative. However, please make sure you report the issue to Aftercare and/or the Concierge before contacting the Residents' Association.
In the first instance, please contact Concierge or the Duty Manager using the contact details above.
Should the Estates team not be able to resolve the noise within a reasonable time period, please contact Newham Council. You can report noise nuisance to Newham 24 hours a day by calling 020 8430 2000. Newham Council will want to know the precise property which is creating the noise, so if you're able to identify the property address before reporting the issue, you'll likely have more success.
More guidance on reporting noise complaints to Newhan Council can be found on this page.
The terms of the property leases at Royal Wharf do not allow the use of barbeques on balconies at Royal Wharf (as it invalidates the building insurance). Barbeques are only permitted in the back gardens of the Town Houses.
Please report usages of barbeques to Concierge or the Duty Manager using the contact details above.
If this is related to a parking fines, please contact PCM on 01753 512603 or email: [email protected].
If this is an emergency issue outside the development, please contact the emergency services directly.
If this is non-emergency, please contact Newham Council on 020 8430 2000.
Contact the estates team on 0203 434 0880 if you require any further advice.
Members of the RA can also report the issue to the Residents' Association using the page in the Members Area. A copy of your report will be sent to the Residents' Association committee and your building representative. However, please make sure you report the issue to Aftercare and/or the Concierge before contacting the Residents' Association.
Newham Council has put out some guidance for staying well this winter - including how to arrange your flu and Covid-19 vaccinations (if eligible) and getting help with the cost of living.
You can read the flyers below:
Newham Council Flyer - Staying Well This WinterCopyright ©2024 Royal Wharf Residents' Association and Marco Polo Design.